1 |
陈新房 |
Automatic Mining Method of Group Behavior Patterns Based on Incremental Spatiotemporal Trajectory Big Data |
Security and Communication Networks |
2022.04 |
2022.1-7 |
1.968 |
三区 |
1939-0114 |
2022-NLC-LWCZ-03571 |
2022.09.27 |
2 |
韩莹 |
Automatic Detection of Electric Field VLF Electromagnetic Wave Abnormal Disturbance on Zhangheng-1 Satellite |
Atmosphere |
2022.5 |
13(5):807 |
2.686 |
四区 |
2073-4433 |
2022 NLC-LWCZ-02834 |
2022.8 |
3 |
袁静 |
基于智能语音技术的闪电哨声波自动识别 |
地球物理学报 |
2022.3 |
65(3) |
0.897 |
3区 |
0001-5733 |
000769779800007 |
2022.11 |
4 |
刘帅 |
An Earthquake Emergency Web Data Cleaning and Classification Method Based on Word Frequency and Position Weighting |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience |
2022.09 |
2022:1-10 |
3.120 |
二区 |
1687-5265 |
000872907800005 |
2022-11-10 |
5 |
黄猛 |
Basic Theory and Practice Teaching Method Based on the Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller Learning Algorithm |
2022.05 |
2022:1-11 |
2.146 |
三区 |
1530-8669 |
000802814700019 |
2022-11-10 |
6 |
袁静 |
Lightning Whistler Wave Speech Recognition Based on Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm |
Atmoshpere |
2022.11 |
13(11) |
2.686 |
3区 |
2073-4433 |
(11月3日发表,期刊说11月底才能入SCI库) |
2022.12 |
7 |
尹慧超 |
Predicting mine water inrush accidents based on water level anomalies of borehole groups using Long short-term memory and Isolation forest |
Journal of Hydrology |
2022.11 |
已录用/待见刊 |
6.708 |
一区 |
0022-1694 |
已录用/待见刊 |
已录用/待见刊 |
8 |
王薇 |
Simulation of the time feature of infrasonic signals during the rupture process of an earthquake |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
2021.12 |
SCI(1.827) |
1866-7511 |
2021.12 |
9 |
王薇 |
Study on the characteristic mechanisms of infrasonic precursors during the damage process of impending earthquake sources |
2021.12 |
SCI(3.42) |
1932-6203 |
2021.12 |
10 |
沈焱萍 |
A Hybrid PSO-BPSO Based Kernel Extreme Learning Machine Model for Intrusion Detection |
Journal of information processing systems |
2022.02 |
18(1):146-158 |
EI |
1976-913X |
WOS:20221111788103 |
2022.11 |
11 |
丰继林 |
张衡一号卫星闪电哨声波扩散状态识别算法 |
地球物理学进展 |
2022.3 |
37(2): 0541-0550 |
CSCD核心 |
1004-2903 |
12 |
李攀 |
基于强化学习的应急物资动态模型配送算法优化 |
科学技术与工程 |
2022.01 |
22(1):1107-1116 |
北大核心 |
/ |
/ |
1671—1815 |
/ |
/ |
13 |
孙晓玲 |
基于差分表的BLOW-CAST-Fish算法的密钥恢复攻击 |
计算机应用 |
2022.9 |
42(9):2742-2749 |
北大核心 |
1001-9081 |
14 |
孙晓玲 |
应用大数据的船舶自动避礁行驶控制方法 |
舰船科学技术 |
2021.12 |
43(12A):37-39 |
北大核心 |
1672-7649 |